Why Your New Year’s Resolutions Will Fail (and How to Fix That)


If you didn’t achieve your resolutions this past year, you’re in the majority of 76% of Canadians who eventually gave up on their resolutions.

The stats are discouraging enough with 69% of Canadians who choose not to make resolutions at all, but maybe they’re on to something. This year, why not do something a little different…

Don’t make a resolution, instead, create a new habit.

In order for your resolutions to stick, you need to change your behaviour. In order to change your behaviour, you need to rewire your brain.

Through the use of MRIs, neuroscientists have discovered that habitual behaviour is created from thinking patterns that create neural pathways.  These become the default for your behaviour when faced with a decision.

For example, you probably don’t have to put much thought into whether or not to brush your teeth at night. If you’re about to go to bed, the neural pathways in your brain don’t require you to make a decision – you just brush your teeth.

These same studies have shown that making a change in your behaviour by simply “trying harder” can have the opposite effect. Real change requires new neural pathways, which are created once you adapt a new habit.

So how do we create a new habit?

1) Ask yourself, “What habit will have the greatest impact on my life?”

If your goal is to increase your sales or increase your networking capabilities, a habit you could adapt to reach that goal might be to make 50 voice-to-voice contacts each week. If you did everything in your business the same, but spoke to 50 people in your network every week, would your business improve?

2) Create a rule

Make one decision that will shape your behavior over time. An example could be that from Monday to Friday you talk to 10 people in your database every day before 12pm.

2) Follow your rule (even when it’s hard)

There’s a honeymoon phase for every new habit (that’s why the gym is so full in January), but eventually it will be much harder to follow your rule. You might say things like, “I was up late last night and I’m not in the mood to make calls. I’ll get back to it tomorrow.” Inevitably, tomorrow never comes and you’re back to where you started. Remember, you can’t have excuses and results at the same time.

Small actions performed with consistency produce great results. People often over estimate what they can do in the short term and underestimate what they can do in the long term. New habits take time.

So this year, don’t make a New Year’s resolution, resolve to create a new habit.

It’s a beautiful life.

Make it count.


Thanks to Richard Robbins | CEO Richard Robbins International Inc. for this great article!

Winter Curb Appeal

Winter can be one of the hardest times to make the exterior of your home look its best. There’s mud, rain, slush, snow, and barely any greenery…but we have 5 great tips to increase your home’s WOW factor during the cold winter months.

  1. Decorate with Greenery

A simple holiday wreath on your door, or garlands on the porch rails can add that pop of colour that is missing when the weather is gloomy. It can also add a touch of festivity during the holidays without going over the top.

  1. Light it Up

In the grey-washed winter, light is your home’s best friend. Turn exterior lights on as soon as the sun goes down and keep them lit on particularly dark days to draw attention to your lovely home (as well as the for sale sign parked on the front lawn).

  1. Keep it Clean

Periodically take the time to rake any stray leaves, trim any unruly trees or bushes, and clean out those gutters. Simple clean-ups and continued maintenance help to keep your home looking well-kept and neat during the winter months.

  1. Safety First

Keep your open house guests safe when they come to view your home. Clear a path to your home if there is snow and ice.  Also make sure to salt your driveway and any walkways when things get icy.  Remember the old adage, “Better safe than sued!”

  1. Tasteful Holiday Décor

Last but not least, keep your Christmas décor as colour neutral as you can. Place white twinkle lights on trees or the home, add a wreath to your front door, and consider leaving the inflatable Santa in the garage this year.

Following these simple tips will help to ensure your home gets a great response from buyers, neighbours, visitors and friends and family this winter!

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling your Home

Selling your home can be a confusing, emotional time. Avoiding these 4 mistakes can make the process easy, seamless, and enjoyable for you and your family:

  1. They Choose Just Any Realtor

At first glance, realtors may all seem similar however this is far from true. Realtors specialize in different types of real estate and you will want to choose one who specializes in selling YOUR type of property. The second consideration is to select a top ranked realtor to ensure you get a top SOLD price. I have specializations in condos, townhomes and houses, and am grateful to be one of the Top 1% of Realtors in BC.

  1. The House is Not in Selling Condition

Our homes are just that…our homes. They are comfortable, cozy, and suited to our personal tastes. When selling your home, think in terms of a showcase of your home’s best attributes. To make it look great take times time… repair, de-clutter, deep clean, de-personalize, and stage your home. When you’re ready to sell, my home stager will make sure your home outshine the competition.

  1. Home Upgrades are Neglected

Home updates and renovations are not always the most fun but there are some easy updates that add real value to your home at a fairly low cost.

  • Paint brass or old hardware with black spray paint for an instant update
  • Update old light fixtures and change out old yellow light switch covers to white
  • Touch up or re-paint walls where needed with neutral tones (eg. light beige/grey)
  • Complete necessary yard work—pull weeds, clean out gutters, and fix anything broken outside, and inside.

I will be glad to send you a list of terrific local handymen and landscapers who can help.

  1. They Don’t Insist on Great Marketing

When selling your home you want to get the word out to everyone! You never know who the buyer may be. Many homeowners believe their realtor will market their home, but they don’t insist on the latest and best methods. At Young Real Estate Group we use extensive social media advertising, top web sites, professional video and photography, 2D and 3D computer models of your home, hi-quality flyers, newspaper ads, and much more. We promise your home will be SOLD to the right buyer, and for the very best price…guaranteed.

So if you are looking to sell your home, or you have a friend who is thinking of selling, call us. I will be glad to drop by and share what we do and how we can help you.  604.533.3491.    info@CallYoung.com